Patient Participation Group
Patient Participation Group
We are a group of patients who are working with the Practice to help maintain the standards of care and services in the Practice.
We want patients who can give some time to meet and occasionally help us.
Our Aims:
- To support the medical and administration staff
- Give constructive feedback to help improve services to patients
- Help in developing and improving the services offered
- Assist in surgery events.

Who We Are And What We Do
Our regular meetings are at 6 week intervals and sometimes we need some ideas followed up in between. Currently we are looking at:
- How to increase our group size
- Patient involvement via e-mail or texting
- How to reduced missed appointments
- How we can improve patient involvement
We will always work with the Practice Manager, practice representative and the Doctors.
Our role is to support all aspects of the practice that is is appropriate for us to be involved in. We will not be directing the Practice service.
The government is encouraging all surgeries to have a patient group and we would like our group to be representative of the practice patient list.
Please think about joining us.
This is a way of having your say in how the surgery is run.
How to Get Involved
If anyone would like to join and become a member of our patient participation group. Please either complete the form below or complete the form which can be found in the patient library at the Practice. Once completed, please hand it to a member of the reception team. We can then invite you to our meetings, answer your questions and keep you informed and updated regarding the practice.
Given the wide diversity of patients at Leicester Terrace, we would welcome people from a broad range of backgrounds so we can be as sensitive as possible to racial, cultural and religious needs in any decisions we help make or services we recommend or support.
If you feel you have time and a skill to offer, please let us know; for example you may have time to visit the surgery to look at layout and the information screens; you may like writing articles for our newsletter; helping out at Flu Clinics; helping with patient surveys; have skills with computer or specific IT ideas; leaflet/notice design; taking minutes of our meetings etc.
Find Out More!
You can contact a Patient Forum member directly to have a chat about the group.
Please ring our Chairman, Peter Stiling, on 07846 325986 or e-mail Peter at:
The membership application form can be found here:
Virtual Group
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.