Clinics We Offer

We Provide
- personal medical services,
- maternity care,
- contraception,
- minor surgery,
- child health surveillance
and the following additional services:

Practice Nurses Healthy Eating
Help is available to individuals and groups for weight reduction. Healthy eating is part of the treatment of heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure and depression.
Ask your doctor or nurse for details.

All aspects of asthma care and follow-up are given at the practice during sessions run by our Practice nurses with doctor supervision.

Diabetes and Heart Disease Clinics
These are with the nurse for annual check and blood tests and then with ‘usual’ doctor 10 days later to review results and treatment.
Reminders will be sent to patients.

Cervical Smears
These are usually carried out by Practice nurses.

Family Planning
Our Practice nurses provide repeat contraception services.
Our family planning nurse can discuss starting or changing contraception and give help with contraception problems.

Well Person Checks
General health check and advice is given on reducing risk of disease.

Smoking Cessation
Information about how to stop smoking is available from the NHS Helpline 0800 1690171 or their website . Information about local smoking cessation groups in the community can be obtained by ringing (01604) 615272. We don't currently offer a smoking service within the surgery.

Wound Care
For wound care issues such as ulcers, burns and removal of stitches, please make an appointment to see a minor illness nurse.

Health Visitors Child Surveillance Clinic
Baby Clinic There is a “Drop-in” clinic; check with the health visitors for the times of this clinic. No appointment is necessary.
Child Immunisation Clinic (practice has 90% record of immunisations). Advice to Carers Postnatal Support Group.

District Nurses
They provide nursing care at home for patients unable to attend surgery due to age or disability. This includes nursing assessment, wound care, assessment in continence, advice to carers and health promotion.

Mothers-to-be are seen regularly by the midwife throughout the pregnancy.
Parentcraft classes are run by the Midwife.