Coronavirus Information & Appointments
Coronavirus: latest information and advice
If you believe you have coronavirus, having either being to an affected country or been in contact with someone then please isolate yourself and contact 111 - DO NOT ATTEND THE SURGERY.
For the latest information and advice please click the following link:
For patients concerned that they may have coronavirus or may have come into contact with someone who has, the NHS 111 online service has created coronavirus pages that tell patients what they should do based on their particular circumstances.
These can be accessed at:
For advice about about isolating at home, click on this link: Isolating at Home Safety.
Opening Times
Telephone Advice and Home Visits
If you require a home visit, please contact us using the Same Day Care Team service.
Please ask for a visit ONLY if it is really necessary. The Volunteer Car Bureau, Telephone 01604 628234, can provide assistance to people with travel difficulties.
GP Enhanced Access – LIVI
LIVI is our Online consultation provider. If you would like an online consultation, you do not need to call your GP Practice reception.
Once you’ve signed up to the LIVI App, you will be able to access LIVI Online Consultations between 06:00 – 22:00 every day. You can choose to see a GP online the same day or book up to 7 days ahead.
Get the LIVI app here:
Missed Appointments - DNAs (Did Not Attend)
Because of the pressure on our appointments, we have regrettably made a decision that if you fail to attend three appointments in a year without notifying us beforehand of your wish to cancel it, we may remove you from our patient list and you will have to find another doctor’s surgery. We will write to you when you have missed two appointments, informing you of what may happen if you miss a third appointment.
Missing appointments for minor operations or some clinics has a greater impact because they are longer appointments. You may be removed from our list if you miss just one of these long appointments.
Keep Us Informed
5% of our appointments are wasted by people not turning up - please let us know if you are unable to attend.
If you change your name or address etc, please inform the receptionists as soon as possible. Please bear in mind that your new address may be in an area not supported by the practice. If you are attending hospital or waiting for an operation, you also need to inform the hospital of a change in address.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.
If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist and she will arrange this for you.
GP Training
The practice has been assessed and approved for the training of fully qualified doctors who wish to gain experience in general practice (such doctors are known as GP Registrars). These doctors, who have several years" experience, will be present in the practice from time to time and you may be offered an appointment with them.
Sometimes consultations may be videoed as part of this training, but you will be asked for your agreement to this before each consultation and asked to confirm that you are still in agreement after the consultation.
As we are a training practice, your medical records may be used for educational purposes.
Additionally, from time to time, we may employ GP locums who are also fully qualified GPs who help us out during times of holiday, sickness and maternity leave.