Northampton Borough Council Community Safety and Engagement Newsletter

Community Safety and Engagement Newsletter


12th November 2020

As we enter week 2 of lockdown we thought it might be helpful to highlight Northampton County Council's and Northampton Borough Council's Coronavirus advice pages, where you can find up to date information about testing,  local guidance, council services, support, FAQs and much more. Please see the links below: - 

NCC Coronavirus 
NBC Coronavirus

If you need support with getting food, medication or anything else  – 
CALL 0300 126 1000 and select Option 5 (Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm)

If you are aware of anybody who is self-isolating  and needs support please go to Test & Trace support payments for more information.

Thought for the week
''Believe you can and you are have half way there"

Community Safety & Engagement Team

Your Community 

Weekly Coronavirus Updates 12/11/20

National Restrictions - 05.11 - 02.12

National Restrictions

If you have any coronavirus symptoms, you should self-isolate and get a test. You Can book a test through the NHS COVID-19 app or go to You must book your test in advance to secure a slot. #NorthantsTogether

Coronavirus Testing In Northamptonshire


Follow the top tips below to keep yourself and others safe.

If someone in your household has COVID-19, it is important that everyone follows the guidance to reduce household transmission. The infected person should stay separate from the rest of the household, use their own bathroom if possible, their own towels, and eat separately.

 If you live with anybody

Click here for the latest information on coronavirus



  • Northamptonshire’s Community resilience function continues to provide support for the most vulnerable.The countywide Community Resilience hub was set up at the start of April to help those needing support or assistance during periods of isolation or for those who are vulnerable. As we entered a second national lockdown period, the local resilience forum wants to reassure residents that support is available for anyone who needs it. The local Coronavirus support line which is run by Northamptonshire County Council continues to provide support for anyone who requires help with accessing food, medication or for those who are lonely.  0300 126 1000 - option 5. 
  • World AIDs Day (01.12.20)  is fast approaching and unfortunately under the current restrictions we will be unable to plan a socially distanced civic event, instead we will be marking the day virtually and would like to invite you all to light a candle and submit a photo to be part of a collage, that will be shared on our social media, showing support for people living with HIV and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness.   Please send you photo by email to by Wednesday 18 November.
  • New lockdown grants for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses. For more details: If your business has been severely impacted by the lockdown from Thursday 5 November 2020 until Wednesday 2 December, we will be developing a grant scheme to help.  If you would like to be considered for this, please contact us using the link below.           

COVID-19 business grant impact form 

Northampton Borough Council - collecting unwanted brown bins from 9th Nov. Please ensure the bin is presented empty and placed out for removal well ahead of your usual collection time which starts from 6.30am on your advised recycling collection day.
For more details:

Mental Health

There is 24 hour mental health support available in Northamptonshire.

Free online Adult Learning Courses
For further details click here

Adult Learning 



International Men's Day -19th November.
Male Role Model of the Year Award 2020: 

  • Making a positive difference to the wellbeing and lives of men and boys
  • Raising awareness and/or funds for charities supporting men and boys’ wellbeing
  • Promoting a positive conversation about men, manhood and masculinity

Facebook link below for the event :


Remembrance Day 
If you missed the service, watch it here: -"Remember from Home” 

Here is our Northampton Remembrance Day 2020 parade performed under the charge of Captain Richard Griffin at 103 Bn REME at Clare Street performed prior to the event.
A huge thank you to Captain Griffin and our Army Reservists for partaking.


Virtual Diwali Festival
If you missed it - watch the celebration:

Organised by the Indian Hindu Welfare Organisation (IHWO) and supported by Northampton Borough Council, this year’s Festival of Lights is set to take over Northampton Borough Council’s Facebook and YouTube channel.


Santa Fun Run

SANTA FUN FUN organised by The Rotary Clubs of Northampton

The Rotary Clubs of Northampton have been busy supporting local charities and together are organising an annual Santa Fun Run in December. 
This year, it will be a Virtual Run to Lapland  - December 6th to the 13th inclusive. 
To find out more please click here


Diverse Communities Forum              19th November 2020

Women's Forum                               24th November 2020

Please email for further information.


Northampton Borough Council Contact Details


Northampton Borough Council, Guildhall, St. Giles Square,

Northampton, NN1 1DE

United Kingdom

To subscribe to our Newsletter please click here



Further information to follow in our weekly Newsletter

13th Youth Summit
19th International Men's Day 
25th 16 Days of Activism

1st World Aids Day
3rd International Day of Disability  - Live Event - 10.00 am - 1.00 pm. Further details to follow next week.

Tip:  If the Action For Happiness November Calendar is not clear to read, please save and open from your desktop

Action Happiness

Community Safety and Engagement - Northampton Community Safety Partnership (CSP), brings together a range of partners from the public and voluntary sectors who are all engaged in activities which contribute towards making Northampton a safe place in which to live, work and visit.

The Northampton CSP has a legal responsibility to work together with partners to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour, substance misuse, environmental crime, and issues around re-offending. These actions are detailed in the Northampton Community Safety Plan, which runs on a rolling 3 year basis; however, in an ever-changing environment, this plan is reviewed and updated on an annual basis to make sure it is on track and that the priorities originally set are still relevant for the different communities across Northampton.

The Community Safety & Engagement team contributes to the delivery of this plan. They also help to ensure that the council understands and works effectively with the diverse communities of Northampton, including celebrating this diversity, fostering good relationships and promoting understanding through community events. The team supports the partnership between the council and local voluntary and community organisations, such as charities, which provide essential services to our citizens. The team oversees and facilitates a small grants programme, a larger grants programme and a grant for all Councillors.